Vienna African Writers Club Poetry Slam

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Vienna African Writers Club Poetry Slam
18. Juni 2015 19:00
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Vienna African Writers Club
16. Juni 2015
Department of African Studies, Seminar room 1 (1st floor)
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 5
1090 Wien

he Vienna African Writers (VAW) Club is organizing its monthly event. Activities include an African Poetry Slam (i.e. African poetry readings and competitions) and other literary activities.

African writing is conceptualized here to be any form of writing or related form of literary arts that addresses and expresses African themes and conditions, and is spoken, written, or performed in African languages or in any other languages.

We appreciate any topic in any language for the poetry slam competition! The top three poems will be rewarded in cash prizes.

Admission to the creative writing competition is open and free. Please feel welcome to attend, actively or as a listener, to bring friends and to make suggestions! To qualify to read your poetry or take part in any literary activity, please send an e-mail to the organizers.

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